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Paper Mache Pinatas


Food-Based Enrichment


Most land mammals

Food Extraction



Processing Materials

Why We Like It

This destructible enrichment requires animals to get through a layer of material to access their food, which provides opportunities for animals to get messy and tear things apart. You can use non-toxic paint to paint the pinatas for a variety of events and holidays, too.

  • Water

  • Flour

  • Balloon

  • Large bowl

  • Newspaper cut into strips

  • Scents/spices/etc

  • Non-toxic paint optional

How to Make It
  1. Mix together 1 part flour to 2 parts water until consistency of thick glue (still runny and not too thick like paste). Add more water or flour as necessary. Mix to remove any lumps. 

  2. Dip a strip of newspaper into the mix, run your fingers over it to remove excess paste, and lay the strip across balloon. It's best to put on multiple layers of strips in order to assure your item is sturdy. 

  3. Allow your creation to dry for 12-48 hours. It will feel stiff and not sticky when it's ready. Paint it if you'd like. 

  4. Fill with food/substrate/scents or a combination of all three.

**Adapted from**

WildThink did not create and does not own any of the enrichment items shown on WildThink's enrichment database. Enrichment items are the property of their respective "sources", which can be found below the title of each enrichment item. WildThink is not responsible for any animal injuries or deaths that may occur whilst using enrichment found on WildThink's enrichment database. It is the responsibility of animal caretakers, managers, curators, and attending veterinarians to ensure that each enrichment item and the materials used to make the enrichment item are safe and suitable for an animal prior to use. WildThink is not liable for enrichment malfunctions.

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